HOME OWNERSHIP IS A WONDERFULL THING BUT IT CAN BE EXPENSIVE FOR THOSE ON A BUDGET. Maintaining your home on a regular basis is very important and can save you a lot of money in the long run.
The DIY Home Inspection Checklist is designed to identify common defects to keep a well maintained home. By identifying problems early before they become damaging to your property you avoid costly repairs in the future. It can also be used as a pre-inspection checklist before hiring a certified home inspector or contractor.
The DIY Home Inspection Checklist is like the pros use, but revised to be shorter and easy to understand. Just follow the topics of the seven page report, check off the appropriate boxes and fill in any notes. Now you have a checklist report to see if any repairs are needed and it is time to call a professional.
Download The DIY Consumer Home Inspection Checklist NOW for 0nly $9.95 (7 page report) Digital download only!
The Home Maintenance Calendar is an easy to use maintenance tool to help keep your property in top shape. The home maintenance calendar reminds you of important weekly maintenance tips to follow throughout the year. Click here for your free calendar download!
A Well Maintained Home Is A Happy Home